Adele in Vogue (martie 2012)

Adele, care a devenit castigatoarea Grammy 2012 si a obtinut premii in cadrul a sase categorii: "Record of the Year", "Albumul anului", "Cantecul anului", "Cea mai buna pop-interpretare solo", ‘’Cel mai bun pop-album vocal" si "Cel mai bun videoclip scurt", a devenit personajul principal al revistei Vogue pentru luna martie. Fotografiile efectuate de Mert & Marcus.




  • Irene

    You mean I don’t have to pay for expert advice like this anyoerm?!

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    AB, you already are a con…conservative…and otherwise.The video reveals only the bias and intent of the videographer.Sort of the same blather from Liar Rose and Brietbart. And, for an alleged AfAm who lived in Chicago, you act exactly like a pasty, pudgy wite fratboy who only knows AfAms as stereotypes. A Hint…there are those who dwell in large urban areas who are scary…and folks who live in cities learn who the scary folks are. However, bloated rioters for bush who live in gated suburbs with Moms…might not be able to discern the difference.Mold


    As a defensive firearm, might make good sense for those who cannot handle heavy recoil. I can see it as a fun gun, but 22 Mag isn’t cheap.When I read your reviews, sometimes I feel like the Joker in the Michael Keaton “Batman”…“Where does he get all these wonderful toys?”

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