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Metroul din Japonia de Michael Wolf
Sa calatoresti intr-un metrou aglomerat – nu este un eveniment tocmai placut. Aceasta serie de fotografii de la fotograful german Michael Wolf intriga si chiar un pic sperie. Se numeste Tokyo Compression. Wolf acum locuieste si munceste in Hong Kong, paralel studiind cultura din Tokyo.
IAepale2009/02/16"Spcrets of the Secret Place" by Bob Sorge – 52 short insights into developing intimacy with God"The Sacred Romance" by Brent Curtis & John Eldredge puts us into the bigger Kingdom picture. "In My Fathers Vineyard" is a condensed with beautiful pictures version of Wayne Jacobsen's book "The Vineyard" on Abiding from John 15. Outstanding!"The Holy Wild" by Mark Buchanan on trusting the Character of God.I have found used or out of print books at (they include links to used)